Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics

Book Discription

The practices of revenue management and pricing analytics have transformed the transportation and hospitality industries, and are increasingly important in industries as diverse as retail, telecommunications, banking, health care and manufacturing. Segmentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics guides students and professionals on how to identify and exploit revenue management and pricing opportunities in different business contexts.

Bodea and Ferguson introduce concepts and quantitative methods for improving profit through capacity allocation and pricing. Whereas most marketing textbooks cover more traditional, qualitative methods for determining customer segments and prices, this book uses historical sales data with mathematical optimization to make those decisions. With hands-on practice and a fundamental understanding of some of the most common analytical models, readers will be able to make smarter business decisions and higher profits.

Pricing analytics uses historical sales data with mathematical optimization to set and update prices offered through various channels in order to maximize profit. A familiar example is the passenger airline industry, where a carrier may sell seats on the same flight at many different prices. Pricing analytics practices have transformed the transportation and hospitality industries and are increasingly important in industries as diverse as retail, telecommunications, banking, health care, and manufacturing. 

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a crucial concept in the field of hotel revenue management. It refers to the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of customers with similar needs or characteristics. This allows hotel revenue managers to tailor their pricing and marketing strategies to each segment, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and profitability.


The aim of this book is to guide students and professionals on how to identify and exploit pricing opportunities in different business contexts. 

The first chapter looks at pricing from an economist’s view point, beginning with the basic concept of pricing analytics and what type of data are needed to use this powerful science. Next, the common assumptions regarding the customer population’s willingness-to-pay are discussed along with the price-response functions that result from this assumption. From the price-response functions, we show how to estimate price elasticity and how it differs at the product, firm, and industry levels as well as in the short term versus long term. Basic price optimization techniques are then explored.

The second chapter looks at these same topics but from a more practical standpoint, with examples provided from several industries and organizations.

The third chapter is on dynamic pricing, with a special emphasis on the most common application: markdown pricing. Similar to the first two chapters, both the theory and the application aspects will be covered.

The fourth chapter covers the new field of customized pricing analytics, where a firm responds to a request-for-bids or request-for-proposals with a customized price response. In this situation, the firm only has historical win/loss data, and traditional methods involving price elasticity do not apply. The pricing analytics methodology is described in a step-by-step process from an actual application. 

The final chapter covers the relevant aspects of behavioral science to pricing. Examples include the asymmetry of joy/pain that customers feelin response to price decreases/increases. A set of best pricing practices are provided based on these behavioral responses. Finally, the appendices

Book Information

Print Length

Symbolic blue file icon for digital blue paper files.

266 pages


global business alliance, featuring a globe surrounded by interconnected lines.



Blue file icon representing data storage.


Publication Date

symbolic blue file icon for digital files.

March 10, 2014


File icon in blue color for electronic documents

6.85 x 0.6 x 9.69 inches


File desk icon in blue color for electronic desk



File desk icon in blue color for electronic desk


About The Author

About Mark Ferguson

Mark Ferguson is the Wilbur S. Smith Professor in the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Prior to joining the University of South Carolina, he was the Steven A. Denning Professor of Technology and Management at Georgia Tech. He serves as the chair for the Pricing and Revenue Management subdivision of INFORMS, the president

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About Tudor Bodea

Tudor Bodea is an assistant professor in the Operations group at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business. Prior to joining the University of Groningen, he was a senior scientist at Predictix and an operations research analyst at InterContinental Hotels Group. He is six sigma certified and a contributor to R, an open source language and

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Table Of Contents