DBA (Days Before Arrival)

Days before arrival or Days to Arrival (DBA) is  the number of days remaining before the guest expected arrival date to the hotel, it is used to measure information such as a booking pace, hotel performance and forecast performance, also used in booking policies for corporate, individuals and group booking in regards to cancelation or prepayment to identify from … Continued

DCA (Direct Connect Availability

Direct connect availability (DCA) is a Sabre’s seamless connectivity product that allows users to check rates, availability and other property information drawn directly from hotel CRS.

DDR (Day Delegate Rate)

Day Delegate Rate (DDR) is the rate quoted/charged by a hotel for a rented venue/meeting room per delegate/guest for a full day/half day meeting including room rent, lunch and coffee breaks. Rate may also include basic audio-visual equipment and other meeting materials. A ’24-hour’ DDR will also include dinner, overnight accommodation and breakfast.

Demand Based Pricing

Demand-based pricing is a pricing strategy, in which rates depend on market demand. Basically, many hotels alter their rates based on demand to maximize revenue. For example, when there is an event in a city, there is a surplus of demand for rooms, which leads to an increase in hotel prices in that city, and … Continued

Demand Generators

Demand Generators is a specific strategies or programs that attract or drive demand to the area or a specific hotel. When there is not sufficient hotel demand to reach a level of occupancy and revenue  the hotel can take action to generate more demand (shift demand to his hotel) those action can be Promotions (think … Continued


Hotel demand is the level of consumer interest and need: demand for accommodations, demand for family rooms, demand for conferencing, event space, in simple it is the hotel business anticipated for future days. The demand for hotel rooms depends on various factors, such as the income level, preferences, and travel behavior of potential customers, To analyze the demand for hotel rooms, … Continued

Demand Calendar

A demand calendar is a revenue management tools use to show past and future demand mapped together, based on historic and future events that could impact business. Positive and negative demand generators and exceptions must be mapped and updated regularly on the calendar. When you are assessing a forecast some of the variables to review … Continued

Demand Forecast

Demand Forecast for hotels is the act of Anticipating, estimating, calculating and predicting the future guest demand for hotels uses historical data and predictive data analytics to predict demand over a defined period. This helps hotels in managing inventory in a much more effective fashion. There are three types of demand forecasting for hotels, revenue … Continued


Denials is a notification that the hotel has been shopped on the hotel’s direct booking engine / website and a rate was not given because the hotel was sold out or a restriction was placed on the shopped date, or it is a reservation request by a guest and it is not booked due to … Continued

Direct Channels

Direct channels are any booking and revenue generated through the hotel owned channels i.e., receiving booking through hotel phone number, hotel email address, hotel website, hotel social media accounts. Direct channels are usually a combination of a few critical blocks, the most important to increase hotel direct booking are: a good website, a booking engine, … Continued