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About Robert Hermandez

Revenue Growth Consultant

Robert Hernandez is an expert in the field of Mathematical Optimization and Data Analytics for revenue growth and business process improvement. He has spent the last 17 years building data-driven forecasting and optimization models for companies in over 20 different industries, from tech to tourism.

Robert possesses a very unique skill set including cross-disciplinary experience, advanced mathematical and analytics skills, data transformation, industry-specific knowledge and business-process improvement expertise.

Robert is  using data and the mathematics of pattern recognition and optimization to find hidden revenue opportunities and create more profit. He help companies reach the highest levels of profit through data-driven, mathematical revenue analysis. Working side-by-side with business heads, he elevate the Pricing and Revenue Planning process by supplying a daily stream of revenue optimization recommendations extracted from customized revenue analytics models, automated reports, and ad-hoc data analysis. He consult on-site and remotely

Robert began his career at the Walt Disney Company in Revenue Planning. He is a specialist in the Science and Mathematics of Revenue Management. He has engineered innovative work in the hospitality industry, increasing profit through the development of sophisticated pricing, forecasting, and guest behavioral models.

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