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Recent Posts About Revenue Management

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2023

Recently hospitality industry has encountered the Russia-Ukraine conflict with no end in sight along with the sanctions imposed on Russia.…

What Could Revenue Management Offer for Hoteliers Beyond Room Revenue?

Before the COVID-19 crisis, hotel revenue management was largely focused on maximizing room revenue. When COVID-19 hit the global hotel industry, this…

What Google “Helpful Content Update” Mean for Your Hotel Revenue Management Strategy?

About one month ago and on 18 August 2022, Google announced on their blog a new update in their indexing policy. It’s…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2022

As vaccination programs continue to find success against Covid-19, lockdown policies are easing, and hotels are reopening. Tentative steps are…

Hotel Revenue Management Best Practices

Good revenue management defines a property’s bottom line. … A profit management strategy determines a property’s net revenue, Revenue management…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2021

Here we are again with our yearly opinion article about how to get revenue management right for 2021. The last…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2020 and Beyond?

It is only few days and 2020 is approaching us, everyone in the industry might be busy for closing 2019…

01 Oct 2019 Performance

Profit Management vs Revenue Management, what to Measure?

Your property's bottom line is defined and measured for success if you as the property revenue manager implement a good…

What Stops Boutique Hotels to Fully Implement Revenue Management?

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me to assist her in evaluating and introduce some insight about…

26 Jan 2017 KPI

The 100% Occupancy Dilemma for Hotels, What Hoteliers Need to Achieve?

Every hotelier is familiar with and knows that Occupancy is the percentage of available rooms that were sold during a…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2017

Nowadays "Revenue Management "has become a buzzword in the hospitality industry. But many operations executives and owners don't know how…

01 Oct 2016 Performance

Revenue Management: Overlooked Revenue streams Measures

Revenue Management: The Most Overlooked hotel Revenue streams Measures. Although the ultimate goal of each hotel is to generate more…

The future of Revenue Management leadership: What should Revenue Manager know?

While the hospitality industry has an ongoing need for managers at all levels, the need is even greater for revenue…

Revenue Management in Independent and Small Hotels

As the hospitality industry is growing, not only in size, but also in terms of sophistication and expectations of return…

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