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24 Jul 2024 Revenue Manager

The Next Hotel Revenue Manager Generation in the AI Era

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, revenue management is the key to success. It’s a blend of strategic thinking and data…

24 Apr 2024 Hotel Technology

The Impact of Technology Trends on Transforming the Hospitality Industry

Every year, new technology emerges and dies. hotels either adopt them and thrive, or are left behind by their competitors,…

17 Mar 2024

How To Get Revenue Management Right for 2024

The hotel industry is an ever-changing landscape, like many other industries, it has been unpredictable over the past few years,…

17 Dec 2023

Revenue Management Between AI and Traditional Technology

The adoption of ever-sophisticated integrated revenue management software and technology, particularly with regard to forecasting demand and pricing, is crucial…

09 Feb 2023

The Impact of ChatGPT on Hospitality Industry

AI technology was first introduced and presented at the Dartmouth conference in 1956. At that time, hotel businesses had not…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2023

Recently hospitality industry has encountered the Russia-Ukraine conflict with no end in sight along with the sanctions imposed on Russia.…

What Could Revenue Management Offer for Hoteliers Beyond Room Revenue?

Before the COVID-19 crisis, hotel revenue management was largely focused on maximizing room revenue. When COVID-19 hit the global hotel industry, this…

What Google “Helpful Content Update” Mean for Your Hotel Revenue Management Strategy?

About one month ago and on 18 August 2022, Google announced on their blog a new update in their indexing policy. It’s…

31 Jan 2022 Hospitality

What Hospitality Statistics Mean to Your Hotel Business?

The hotel industry is subdivision of the hospitality industry that specializes in providing customers with lodging services. There are a…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2022

As vaccination programs continue to find success against Covid-19, lockdown policies are easing, and hotels are reopening. Tentative steps are…

Hotel Revenue Management Best Practices

Good revenue management defines a property’s bottom line. … A profit management strategy determines a property’s net revenue, Revenue management…

How to Get Revenue Management Right for 2021

Here we are again with our yearly opinion article about how to get revenue management right for 2021. The last…

22 Mar 2020

10 Tips for Hotel Operations Team During Coronavirus Outbreak

At the start of 2020, the hotel industry’s show growth and rising revenue looked vulnerable. Now the spread of the…

28 Feb 2020

The Impact of Coronavirus on Hospitality Industry

The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak that showed its first signs in December 2019 on January 30, 2020.…

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