5 Tips To Create Exclusive Hotel Deals via Twitter

By. Are Morch 28th Apr 2013

Most Hotel Decision makers focus on the ROI with Twitter. So today I will share some tips on How To Create Exclusive Hotel Deals via Twitter.

Creating Exclusive Hotel Deals you need to give exceptional value to your followers. There is a fine balance between a direct sale and a exclusive deal. Direct Sales can in the wrong form be a turn off. So be classy with your tweets.

Make sure you give your Twitter followers exceptional value they can’t find anywhere else.

1- Give an Incentive
Your customers or guest loves to know they special. And on special occasions Twitter is a great way to recognize this occasion.

If you Tweet a special, make sure the customer is required to redeem it at your Hotel. While your Special is ongoing, it also good strategy to reward customers that mention your Hotel Brand in their Tweet. Why not have a Surprise Bonus for a customer Tweet that mention your Hotel in connection with the Special. You can give them a Free Mother’s Day Hotel Package.

My friends at @thedrakehotel has found a great balance to close the Hotel Deals. They use here several great reference points in their Tweet. They utilize a special occasion in combination with a #hashtag. This also trigger the curious customers to find out more.

2- Take your Customer to the Heart Of The Hotel

This is almost like bring your kids to work day, instead your bring your Hotel Twitter Followers to your work.

 Give customer behind the scene scoop, like my friends here at @WaldorfNYC did to show case the lunch prepared for employees.

3- Mark your spot on the Calendar

 Making an exclusive Hotel Deal that expire at certain date creates the element of urgency. Make sure you do like my friends at @KiwiCollection to combine a incentive with the urgency call.

4- Ask and Follow Up

My friends at @FairmontHotels shows here in a brilliant way how to ask and follow up.

Asking customers on Twitter is very effective. But following up to recognize when customer take time to respond is what make your Hotel stand out. Giving outstanding value to your customers is what help closing the deal with your Hotel when they are looking for a Hotel room in your city. Customers will both favorite the Tweet and share it with their Network.

5- Announce Happenings

 Remember Social Media is a Live Interactive Media Channel. Start announcing news, gathering and events that happens at your Hotel.

My friends at @FourSeasons strategy here shows how this can be done.

nnovations and creativity goes a long way when you announce something that will make both your customer and Hotel to stand out.

About Are Morch

Are Morch is a digital transformation coach helping hotels open their digital front door, reimagine their processes and culture, and transform experiences in a fast-paced world! In his free time, Are and his wife has transformed abused and abandoned horses providing them a better opportunity to do what they were meant to do. “To me hospitality and

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