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Recent Posts About Facebook

31 Jul 2023 Facebook

How to Create Engaging Facebook Content for Your Hotel Page

Are you ready to take your hotel’s Facebook presence to the next level? Discover the art of creating captivating content…

30 Mar 2018 Facebook

How Facebook is Changing and How Your Hotel’s Content Should Too

NB: This is an article written By : Brianna Bresehars and Phoebe Svoboda. Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement lays a foundation for…

29 Jul 2016 Facebook

5 Benefits of Facebook Ads for Your Hotel

NB: This is an article written By : Sammi Raines With Facebook’s constantly changing algorithm, it becomes increasingly difficult for…

30 Jun 2016 Facebook

Facebook Videos: The Heat Is (Still) On!

When it comes down to effective storytelling, there are few marketing tactics as popular as video, through images, sound and…

16 May 2016 Facebook

How to Create the Perfect Facebook Page for your Hotel

NB: This is an article written By : Thomas Magnuson So you want to learn how to create the perfect…

22 Jan 2016 Facebook

Using Facebook Messenger to increase guest satisfaction

NB: This is an article written By :  John Kearney Hotels have in general been slow at introducing new ways…

29 Nov 2015 Facebook

10 Ways To Target Travelers With Facebook Ads.

With an active user base of more than 1.55 billion people, Facebook has become a major player in the online…

31 Aug 2014 Facebook

Facebook News Feed Changes and How it affect Hotels

There is one thing that is consistent with Facebook; it is constantly changing. And they just recently announced some improvements to News Feed…

11 Mar 2014 Facebook

What results can hotels expect from a Facebook page?

By now most hotels have a Facebook page, but many struggle with how much time to dedicate and what results…

22 Apr 2013 Facebook

Facebook Timeline for Hotels – Top 5 Things to Know

NB: This is an article written By : Mike Supple In December 2011, Facebook launched a redesign for user profiles…

02 Apr 2013 Facebook

Leveraging Facebook Graph Search for Travel Plans

NB: This is an article written By : Margaret Mastrogiacomo From Dreaming to Booking: How Facebook Graph Search Plays a…

22 Feb 2013 Facebook

What Hotels Need to Know About Facebook Graph Search

NB: This is an article written By : Mike Supple Know what you’re looking for? Jump directly to that section!…

14 Oct 2012 Facebook

How To Set Up And Optimize Facebook Ads For Your Hotel

Is your hotel’s Facebook page struggling to grow fans? Do you feel like you are communicating into an empty void…

24 Apr 2012 Facebook

Hotel Facebook App and Facebook Timeline

NB: This is an article written By : Pedro Colaco The need for a hotel Facebook app: hotel fans don’t…

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