Comp Set

Knowing Who Your Competitors Are, And What They Are Offering, Can Help You to Make Your Hotel, Services and Marketing Stand Out.

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Recent Posts About Competitors

01 Jun 2015 Competitors

Beyond the Hotel Performance, How to Identify a Correct Hotel Competitive Set?

Accurately identifying a competitive set is important for a hotel market study because the data provide both a more accurate…

19 Apr 2015 Competitors

5 Comp-set tips for Independent Hoteliers

NB: This is an article written By : Alicia Hoisington Competitive sets can be useful tools to help drive profits,…

20 Nov 2014 Competitors

How to Think Beyond the Compset

For many, many years, hotels have used their property’s compset (also known as the competitive set) in order to gauge…

21 Jun 2014 Competitors

5 reasons NOT to Follow your Competitors’ Prices

Another misconception that is still prevalent among hotels of all sizes and star ratings is that in order to be…

26 May 2014 Competitors

A Practical Guide to Competitive Set Selection

Determining a competitive set is something those in the hospitality industry do routinely, however, these selections can have lasting effects…

15 Apr 2014 Competitors

Why the Worst Revenue Managers Love their Comp Set

I love data served with math because it allows you to see patterns that you could never see otherwise.  …

31 May 2013 Competitors

How To Scope Out Your Competitors

As a hotelier, you do not need to go undercover at your competitors’ properties to discover their online marketing secrets.…

01 Jun 2011 Competitors

Who are my ‘true’ Hotel Competitors?

Who are my “true” competitors? This million-dollar question is often a central discussion point in boardrooms, during the development of…

22 Apr 2011 Competitors

Revenue Management: Who is Your Competition?

Excellent revenue management requires a mastery of two variables: external competition and internal booking pace. Every few years, it is…

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